Order a website or not?
More and more people prefer to search / buy / order online everything that is possible: food, clothing, building materials, gifts, equipment, fitness club membership or new book.
In the Internet we are looking for restaurants and cinemas, entertainments, promotions …
Today, if you are not in the internete – you are not in the business! Our main goal – to help business owners find new clients and new markets.
If your company does not have a website, we can easily fix it. You can order a website of any complexity: from a business card website to a corporate site or online shop.
You simply order a consultation with our specialist who will help to make a technical specification and provide prices for sites. All further questions – entirely our concern!
Projects cost
The project cost is an inconstant and strictly individual thing. It all depends on your possibilities, wishes and needs. You can see the prices for standard projects (and what is included in the cost of the project).
To someone is enough “standart features”, someone wants to stand out in all possible ways and to attract attention to originality, and of course, the prices of projects will vary.
You can tell us about your project and consult with our specialists to get the price for the website.
Terms of works
Terms of works as well as the prices are strictly individual and directly depend on the technical specification. For example, business card website development takes from 2 to 7 days, the online shop development with a catalog of 1,000 products, 10 kinds of calculators and sorting can be done during 3 months.
From our side terms of works depend on:
- the type of site
- tasks
- the complexity of the architecture
- the number of pages
- the amount of information
- the presense of additional modules
From the client side terms of works depend on:
- the speed of providing the necessary information
- the speed of decision-making (from the choice of color scheme to the approval of the texts)
- a good organization (it will be faster to clearly explain what you want than to remake into oblivion until the designers did not guess what you need)
Tell us about your project and our specialists will provide you information about terms of website development.
Work samples
Website development for business is consuming and philosophical activity. It is necessary to take into account dozens of factors, even within the same niche sites can vary greatly, depending on the objectives, principles of company work and policies on customer orientation.
Even for iPhone cases shop, we can make a huge online shop with different categories and cards for each product, or bright selling Landing, which will cope with the task no worse online shop and will cost 3 times cheaper!
You can look through our portfolio of sites or contact our specialists who will help you to make the technical specification, orient you on the cost and make FREE layout of the website!
Stages of website development
Design and approval of the layout.
Concept and development.
Create and test your site.
Training of website management!
We will try to make your life easier and take all the web development burdens upon ourselves. To order a website, you just need to contact our specialists who will help you to make the technical specification, tell you about the terms and cost of the website development. All you need – fill the brief with the questions and wait for the layout for approval
DO YOU WANT TO ORDER A WEBSITE, but do not know how to start?
Tell us about your project and we will help you to make the technical specification, tell you how much your project will cost, and even show the layout of your future website!